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Sunday, February 23, 2025

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When it Comes to Buying Car Insurance, it’s Important To Comparison Shop

These days, with the economy weak, most of us need to let go of luxuries and spend more carefully on the essentials.  Ideally, it’s a time to measure prosperity by what you can live without, more than how much you have coming in. 

High on your  list of essentials – along with nutritious food and quality health care –  should be car insurance.  Fortunately, it’s an area where you can save hundreds of dollars by knowing where to go for the best deal

Buying car insurance for the first time can seem complicated.  Although it’s required by law,   minimums vary from state- to- state.  You can determine your location’s  minimum by simply visiting your state insurance commissioner’s website.

Although you’ll meet legal guidelines by staying within your state’s minimum requirements – it’s not the best choice, leaving you vulnerable to personal financial liability if you’re at fault in an accident.   It doesn’t cost that much more to purchase adequate coverage above the state minimums. 

Although amounts vary depending upon your individual profile, age, etc. – generally the best liability limits are in the range of 100/300/100. This means:

  • 100,000 per person for bodily injury
  • 300,000 per accident for bodily injury
  • 100,000 per accident for property damage

You can also buy an  umbrella policy where  added  liability coverage “kick-ins” for as much as 1 – 5 million, once  the liability in other  policies is exhausted.  The supplementary  coverage is relatively inexpensive compared to the amount gained..

Before getting your quote,  consider  ways to save on your premium costs:

  • Multiple Car Discounts: Insuring two cars at once usually costs little more than  insuring one. 
  • Stick With Yearly Policies: This can extend your savings with a rate that can’t be changed for a full year, vs. every six months.
  • Re-Check Your Mileage: To  lower your cost on car insurance, if you seem close  to the "miles to work" break-off, re check your mileage.  Each mileage class change can make a  significant difference in price.
  • Group Discounts: Many insurers offer discounts on car insurance for group affiliations including credit unions, college sororities, or just having a certain credit card. Ask your service center to provide a a list of organization affiliations.

When it comes to buying car insurance, it’s important to comparison shop. The more quotes you can get – the more likely you’ll find a an insurer than can beat your current rate. 

Today,  it’s easier than ever to find a great deal.   One of the best places to access competitive rates is:; Why wait to save?