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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Public Administration’s Role in a Changing World

The events of the past 15 shutterstock_120155734years, most notably the 9/11 attacks, have helped precipitate a big change in the role of Public administration.

After 9/11, government moved to upgrade communication lines when it came to delivering information about national security. The Department of Homeland Security was created in direct response to 9/11. This new cabinet department consolidated several executive branch organizations related to the protection of citizens. The group would facilitate everything from national security to the management of natural disaster assistance.

After the Patriot Act was passed, new law enforcement tools were created to help prevent future terrorist attacks, including more access to wiretaps, business records and other methods of expanded surveillance.

The government also has embraced social media, which it now used for both intelligence gathering and to inform the public. Prompt and targeted distribution of information can be a vital help to national security.

Full body scans are now a way of life at airports, and both border protection and waterway safety have been upgraded, too. The U.S. Coast Guard has seen more hands-on activity in the day-to-day protection of the general public thanks to new technology and responsibility.

Public administration professionals will have new challenges and goals as the world around us continues to evolve. These changes are highlighted in “Modern Public Administration in the Post-9/11 World,” which also includes an interview with a 30-year veteran of Public administration.

